How to Start Planning Your Build

If you want to get into a new home, here are the first steps you should start taking today.


There are the obvious things to figure out, like budget and timeline, and then there are the things that aren’t so obvious. Are you going to need temporary housing while your home is being built? If you have kids, do you know the school district residency requirements where you’re building? By taking time at the start of the building process to think ahead, you’ll save yourself from some stressful moments down the road. 


Now’s the time to start asking yourself some questions. Remember, it’s just the beginning, so decisions are far from final, but it’s good to start thinking about what you need and want in your new home. The first step is to decide on a location. Is there a certain community or neighborhood you’re looking at? Do you want to be out in the country or closer to town? What sort of amenities do you want or need close by? With Bielinski, you can build on your own lot, so don’t feel confined to a single area. And if you don’t want to find your own land, there are Bielinski Neighborhoods all over Southeastern Wisconsin for you to choose from. Next, you should find the right floor plan for you. What features in a new home are most important to you? How do you want your new home to improve your life? What style of home works best for your family and your lifestyle? Once you’ve answered these questions, it becomes a lot easier to find your plan. Having trouble answering some of these questions? Visit our model homes, speak with a new home consultant like me, and keep an open mind. 


Or any of us here at Bielinski Homes. We’ve been building homes for Wisconsin families for generations, and every New Home Consultant knows exactly how to get you from where you are, to where you want to be. Contact us here for more information.